Someș Water Company S.A.
replaces the water supply and sewerage networks in the municipality of Cluj-Napoca
On Tuesday, November 29, 2022, the signing of the works contract "CL 16 - Rehabilitation of water and sewerage networks in the municipality of Cluj-Napoca", carried out as part of the major investment project implemented by the regional operator for Cluj and Sălaj counties, co-financed by the Union European through the Large Infrastructure Operational Program - POIM 2014-2020.
Compania de apă Somes
marks World Toilet Day 2022
Established in 2013 by the UN, World Toilet Day marks every year, on November 19, the effort and actions at the international level, dedicated to combating the global sanitation crisis. Today, 3.6 billion people around the globe still live without sanitation, with poor quality septic tanks that endanger their health and pollute the environment, rivers, lakes and soil, contaminating this vital resource for humans – Water from the groundwater table.
The Global Network of Global Museums
anounced the winners of the International Youth Contest ”The Water We Want” - 4th edition (2023)
The Global Network of Water Museums has the pleasure to announce the winners and special mentions of this year's Youth Contest "The Water We Want".
Someș Water Company S.A.
contracts new water-sewer works in the Cluj metropolitan area
On Tuesday, October 25, 2022, at the headquarters of Compania de Apa Someș S.A., the signing of the works contract "CL10 - Extension and rehabilitation of water supply and sewerage networks in UAT: Florești, Baciu, Apahida and Feleacu" took place, as part of the major program of investments carried out by Compania de Apa Someș S.A. through POIM 2014-2020, co-financed by the European Union through the Cohesion Fund.
Someș Water Company S.A.
replaces the water supply and sewerage networks in the municipality of Cluj-Napoca
On Tuesday, November 29, 2022, the signing of the works contract "CL 16 - Rehabilitation of water and sewerage networks in the municipality of Cluj-Napoca", carried out as part of the major investment project implemented by the regional operator for Cluj and Sălaj counties, co-financed by the Union European through the Large Infrastructure Operational Program - POIM 2014-2020.
Compania de apă Somes
marks World Toilet Day 2022
Established in 2013 by the UN, World Toilet Day marks every year, on November 19, the effort and actions at the international level, dedicated to combating the global sanitation crisis. Today, 3.6 billion people around the globe still live without sanitation, with poor quality septic tanks that endanger their health and pollute the environment, rivers, lakes and soil, contaminating this vital resource for humans – Water from the groundwater table.
Someș Water Company S.A.
celebrates 130 years
On November 8, 1892, the Water and Sewerage Plants of the city of Cluj were established, the first institutionalized form of water supply and sewage service for what is today the regional operator Compania de Apa Someș S.A. Today Compania de Apă Someș S.A. is one of the largest operators in Romania, a modern company, continuing the tradition of those who for 130 years work day and night to ensure the life-giving drop in every home.
Someș Water Company S.A.
contracts new water-sewer works in the Cluj metropolitan area
On Tuesday, October 25, 2022, at the headquarters of Compania de Apa Someș S.A., the signing of the works contract "CL10 - Extension and rehabilitation of water supply and sewerage networks in UAT: Florești, Baciu, Apahida and Feleacu" took place, as part of the major program of investments carried out by Compania de Apa Someș S.A. through POIM 2014-2020, co-financed by the European Union through the Cohesion Fund.
Au intrat în vigoare noile prețuri
Compania de Apă Someș S.A. anunță că noile prețuri/tarife pentru care s-a comunicat intenția de ajustare în cursul lunii August, au intrat în vigoare de la 1 Septembrie 2024
Rațiunea necesității de ajustare a prețurilor/tarifelor rezidă în nevoia respectării Planului anual de evoluție a tarifelor la apă și canalizare (strategiei tarifare) în perioada 2024-2028, conform hotărârii nr. 28/09.08.2024 a Asociației Regionale pentru Dezvoltarea Infrastructurii în Bazinul Hidrografic Someș-Tisa
Au fost finalizate lucrările de extindere a rețelelor de apă și canalizare în 11 localități din județul Sălaj
Recent, a avut loc recepția contractului de lucrări „CL 23 – Extinderea sistemului de alimentare cu apǎ în zona Şimleu Silvaniei - Bobota şi extinderea sistemului de canalizare în aglomerarea Sǎrmǎşag”, din cadrul proiectului major de investiții derulat de Compania de Apă Someș S.A. pentru județele Cluj și Sălaj.